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For over 13 years I have been developing games in Unity3D, working on various projects and platforms.

These experiences helped me understand the needs developers and artists have. Unity3D is amazing, but has had its troubles with lightmappers, realtime GI, etc. 


I remember the good-old days where Unity 4.5 had the Beast-lightmapper. After Unity switched to Enlighten, quality dropped and baketimes increased by a factor of 5-10x for comparable results. Back in those days we already realized that Unity is playing catchup with Unreal. Since then Unity has taken forever to develop good alternatives and although especially in HDRP things look great today, in URP we are lacking visual fidelity compared to the old Build-in render pipeline.


So at Little Chicken we had to resort to 3rd-party tools to make it work well (like The Bakery, I can highly recommend it). Unfortunately the size of lightmaps proved to be a real bandwidth constraint on our development speed as the entire team started working from home due to Covid.


So the combination of impractical Unity-tools, massive lightmap-sizes, etc resulted in projects to be properly lit and used realtime-lights only. On top of that we have two projects lined up where realtime light is the only way forward in a URP environment.


That’s how the need for MF.SSGI was born.



Special thanks to my beta-testers:

- Lars Steenhoff

- sacb0y

- Spikebor

- Godfragger

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